anka Ek

about us

About Us

At anka EK, we envision a future where technology serves as an extension of our human potential. Our commitment transcends mere code – it’s about embedding compassion, understanding, and inclusivity into every innovation we bring to life.

‘Technology coded in Humanity’ isn’t just a slogan; it’s our blueprint to craft solutions that enhance and enrich lives, forge connections, and uphold the dignity of all individuals. Join our mission: Fusing progress with humanity through responsible innovation.



We envision a future where every technological breakthrough is infused with humanity. At anka EK, we aim to be the architects of a digital landscape that prioritizes understanding, inclusivity, and the human spirit, ensuring that technology always serves to enhance and enrich the human experience empowering individuals to reach their highest human potential.



At anka EK, our mission is to harness the transformative power of technology that amplify human potential. We are dedicated to developing essential digital utility tools that are not only innovative and novel but also empathetic and responsible, nurturing our communities where progress and humanity go hand in hand.



We consider our core Values as anka EK’s HEART, that beats with responsible innovation and excellence.

  • Humanity: Embracing the human element in all our technological endeavors.

  • Ethics: Upholding moral principles in every aspect of our work.
  • Awareness: Being cognizant of the impact our technology has on society.
  • Resilience: Adapting to challenges with innovation and creativity.
  • Trust: Building reliable digital utility tools that users can depend on.